The Sorrow Stone: A ritual for carrying grief of all sizes


Grief comes in all shapes and sizes. Your grief may be fresh or ancient, tangible or unseen. It may be the loss of a person, animal, identity, or dream. This ritual was created to help navigate grief’s complex + wild terrain. Originally designed for a group, The Sorrow Stone has been adapted for a personal experience—carefully tended with enriched layers of care. The ritual will take 30 minutes to 1 hour and includes a guided meditation, embodied art exercise, the creation of tangible support, and your self-expression of sorrow. It is designed to deepen your process, opening + softening the way the heart holds grief. 

Your ritual bundle includes:

*Welcome Letter

*How to Make an Offering

*Ritual Prep Sheet

*Your Sorrow Stone Ritual

*Recorded meditation

*After-ritual care + Integration tips

Note: All necessary supplies are more than likely things you have on hand at home, easily obtained from a grocery store, borrowed from friend or neighbour, or found in an outside green space.

*Product is a digital download. Please note link expires 24 hours after first access, so be sure to download files to your device after opening.

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